How to Deal with Joint Pain after Exercise

How to Deal with Joint Pain after Exercise

MMA fighters, whether aspiring or professionals, are bound to face the aftermath of gruelling practice sessions that push their physical limits to the edge. And this develops into inevitable joint pain after numerous burpees, kettlebell swings, overhead presses, and much more.

If proper soothing of these joints is not carried out, the bones and muscles connected to this area are weakened, and this paves the way for injuries. These injuries could unfold as sprains, pulls, or even muscle tears.


Sometimes this joint pain could even make walking to be a troublesome task. While sometimes, it can worsen and lead to twists in the muscles!

Remember, MMA fighting is not all about building muscle and enhancing physical endurance. If you’re investing time in rigorous workouts, then make it a point to be mindful of joint stiffness and movement restrictions that you experience.

We’ve created a listicle stating 5 common causes of such joint pains after MMA class. To make it easier to deal with these joint-related disturbances, we’ve suggested 5 remedies as well.

1. Posture

Incorrect Posture: Cause

Any flaw in your posture will reflect in the form of post-practice pain. In fact, posture flaws will not let your joints in the spine, shoulders, knees, and even hips stay aligned.

One incorrect posture and there is misalignment in some or the other joint connections in your body.

Work on Posture: Remedy

Always get your posture right before you get any MMA fighting techniques in your head. Be aware of how straight your back is, your knee movement, hip sensations, and any movement that calls for a clearly evident posture change.



Give 10 minutes to postural exercises each day and watch how you’ll start to observe no post-workout discrepancies due to posture issues.

Additionally, take short breaks and work on generic postures every 4 hours. It can be a mere 5-minute posture practice session!


2. Arthritis

Osteoarthritis: Cause

This is the most common form of arthritis that occurs due to natural damage in the joint cartilage region. If in its initial stages, it will usually lead to throbbing pain after an intense MMA session. And if it has already worsened, the pain will persist even during workouts – mainly because joint debris have collected in that area.



Worst of all, joints affected by osteoarthritis land up impacting nearby muscles too, making them weaker.

Physical Therapy: Remedy

You’ll need to acquire a physiotherapist and shift focus to the rehabilitation of the affected joints. Gently work on surrounding joint movements and let the nearby muscles also heal.

If basic physiotherapy and relevant medication doesn’t seem to help, then you’ll need to opt for joint replacement surgery.

Bonus Read: Did you know that MMA training impacts your mental health for the greater good?


3. Repetitive Movement Injury

Same Exercise Again and Again: Cause

If you keep doing the same variation of barbell or kettlebell lifting or any kind of exercise, over and over again, there’ll be a point when you overstress the corresponding muscles and joints. The excessive strain can also lead to tissue damage, making it a pretty severe injury.


Diversify Exercises: Remedy

More than just diversifying your MMA practice, keep focusing on different variations of the same workout (if you’re hellbent on mastering it). Rather, focus on various traits such as posture, body mechanics, or exploring new movements.

Never stress the same joints for too long. Give them a break by shifting to another exercise, even if it’s for only 10 minutes.


4. Weakness In General

Bad Diet & Lifestyle Habits: Cause

Poorly formulated diets, excessive processed foods and beverages, and inadequate sleep all contribute to a rise in general body weakness. This weakness spreads like wildfire and slowly disrupts the usual strength in your joints and muscles.

If you’re a victim of such weakness on normal days, post-workout joint pain shouldn’t be a surprise. Above that, you will pick up injuries more often than ever.

Strength Training: Remedy

For MMA aspirants who can’t get a hold of their lifestyle and consumption habits, resort to diverting focus on strength training. This at least leads to neutralizing the impact and spread of the weakness!


Most importantly, pay extra attention to your posture and joint movement when indulging in strength training during MMA classes.

Wondering why?

Because you’re already weak! And performing strength training without proper supervision can easily lead to the most dreaded injury during your MMA journey.



Never ignore signs of joint pain, even if it’s a little tinge at the back of your knee or a soft sound around your shoulder region. The repercussions will leave you regretting such ignorance for the rest of your MMA career.

Open up to our coaches, state your post-workout concerns, and let them help you rehabilitate while you continue your MMA training.