MMA Matrix Reopens: Adjusting to the New Normal

MMA Matrix Reopens: Adjusting to the New Normal

The last few months have been tough and we all have been through a lot. This lockdown has had a mental as well as a physical impact on us. However, no matter how challenging the time is going to be, we are going to move ahead by unlearning the normal we knew and adjusting to the new normal. As the government of India has lifted certain restrictions and we are gearing up for the post-Coronavirus lockdown phase, there are certain subjects related to the reopening of MMA Matrix that need to be addressed.


Why visit the Gym?

  • If you are a fitness fanatic, we are sure that you must have been following our home workout fitness schedule during the lockdown.
  • However, as the restrictions have been eased, gyms have been allowed to reopen their doors and nothing can replace the vibe of the gym - the environment at the gym can be motivating and good for your mental health as well.


Go Easy!

  • You are definitely craving for an endorphin rush but giving in to your temptations right now won’t be helpful, as it may lead to an injury and muscle soreness.
  • Unfortunately, we can’t get back to the normal days we used to live in and restarting your fitness journey from where you left isn’t advisable.
  • Therefore, go easy on yourself and train one day at a time.
  • Start with light weights and small reps for getting your body reaccustomed to the high-intensity workouts.
  • And, moreover, our highly trained instructors will be there to guide you through your fitness journey smoothly.


And the most important question of all - Will it be safe?

All the gyms and fitness centres are only allowed to open after keeping in check the safety measures.

However, we, at MMA Matrix are going over the mile about the required safety measures and operate in accordance with the health and safety guidelines of the World Health Organisation and the Indian Government.


Customising the gym space with Nanotechnology Coating

Nanotechnology Coating, also known as a ceramic coating is the process of applying a surface layer that repels dry particles, water, oil and dirt. They can be found in both liquid and solid form and provide characteristics that are favourable. For instance, nano-coating can make a surface resistant to bacteria, scratch-resistant and improve hardness. It’s a special feature that we have taken up for the safety of all our members. As, being our loyal patron, your safety is of the utmost importance for us.


Other Safety Measures:

  • Thermal Imaging Equipment for temperature checks.
  • Availability of hand sanitisers.
  • Strict social distancing.
  • No masks, as sweat can make the mask wet quickly which will result in breathing difficulty. However, you can use a visor as a protecting guard.
  • Personal hygiene check.
  • Adequate cleaning staff.
  • Maintaining the gap between fitness equipment.
  • Book training slots to avoid overcrowding
  • Classes will be conducted in small and multiple batches and by appointment only.


It is very important for all of us to take these times very seriously by following all the safety precautions. Let’s get ready to live in the New Normal and begin our respective fitness journeys. MMA Matrix awaits your arrival!


“We look forward to welcoming all our patrons back to working out at their favourite MMA Matrix.”

- Alan Fenandes

(Director Operations - MMA Matrix)


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