Maximize Your Flexibility with These Simple Stretching Exercises For Better MMA Training

Maximize Your Flexibility with These Simple Stretching Exercises For Better MMA Training

Boost your flexibility with these seven stretching exercises, including toe touch, hamstring and chest stretch, among others, to improve muscle efficiency and become an MMA expert.

5 Of Our Favourite Ways To Condition For MMA Competitions

5 Of Our Favourite Ways To Condition For MMA Competitions

Training for the MMA is no small feat. Conditioning your body leads to an extensive range of body mobility, which is the harbinger of success in boxing and martial arts. A combat fighter for the MMA requires all the conditioning they can get. Full-body conditioning equips you to bear the brunt of MMA fighting, whether for stamina, resilience, or the ability to hop around with small and large steps in skilful style. Here are some of our favourite ways to condition our students for MMA competitions: